Fund Description

The purpose of the Kathryn A. Bullyan Scholarship Fund is to provide financial assistance for graduating high school seniors from Hermantown High School. The award may be used for post-secondary education at any post-secondary school. Although academic achievement is important, exemplary participation in community and school activities and volunteerism will take precedence in the selection process.

Application Criteria

Graduating seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher at Hermantown High School may apply. Students should complete and submit in the DSACF Common Application by the deadline day. A complete application will include an academic transcript (including standardized test scores), an essay on the theme “I have contributed to the community selflessly by … because…”, and two or more recommendations.

Selection Criteria

The Hermantown Community Fund Advisory Board will recommend individual scholarship recipients. The following things – in priority order – will be considered when making a selection:
•the applicant’s hard-working behavior, good character and potential to contribute to society as evidenced by his/her extra curricular, community and volunteer activities
•the applicant’s ability to succeed in higher education as evidenced by his/her academic record
•the content of the student’s essay and how it reflects on the applicant’s desire to participate in school activities, volunteer their time and give to others.

Recipient Responsibilities

• The majority of communication between recipients and the scholarship administrators will take place via email or other appropriate technology. Recipients are required to have and regularly check their email and notify the Community Foundation of any changes to their contact information.
• Recipients of DSACF scholarships are expected to acknowledge acceptance of the award promptly. This acknowledgment will take two forms, completion of an Acceptance Form provided by the Community Foundation and secondly, a thank you letter/card to the award’s sponsor. The Community Foundation will provide names and addresses as needed. If unable to accept the scholarship, the committee should be given that information and a reason in a prompt manor.
• Recipients must inform the DSACF of all other scholarship they are receiving. Total awards for any given semester can not exceed the stated cost for attendance at that institution.
• Recipients must complete enough credits to be recognized as a full-time student in each semester an award is made. Likewise, a satisfactory grade point average (different by scholarship) must be maintained.
• If the student receives funds from the college due to non-completion of a term or not attending full time, these funds are to be returned to the DSACF. If the college requirements are not met, but there is no refund, the scholarship will be forfeited.
• The Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation hopes that recipients recognize and appreciate the contributions their award has made to their futures. It further anticipates that, in the years to come, recipients find some way to give back to the community that provided them with these opportunities.

Fund Story

Kathryn Bullyan was a resident of Hermantown for 70 years. In addition to raising a family of four children, she was an active member of the community. Kathryn worked for the school district as a bookkeeper for 28 years. Kathryn loved growing up, working and raising her family in Hermantown. She loved the community and its residents. Kathryn always felt the need to give back to the community whenever she could. She appreciated the contributions of area youth in making Hermantown a better place for all to live. To express that appreciation and to reward those who put forth such great efforts volunteering, the family created the Kathryn A. Bullyan Scholarship Fund in 2009, which moved to the Community Foundation in 2010.

Awards Given from Fund

Scholarships (of about $500/year), co-payable to the student and institution will be awarded each year.

Click here to search for the scholarship application.